Dr. Russel Kort, DC
Dr. Russell John Kort is an author, public speaker, chiropractor, and lead clinician of the Doctor EMF treatment and research team. He is the Chairman of DefenderShield medical and science advisory board and was the 2019 Innovator Of The Year for Brain Tap Technologies. He is also a faculty member of the Sleep Balance Academy. Dr. Kort has over forty years of medical experience. For the past five years, he has focused on the concussion-like symptoms associated with EMF Exposure (AKA “Havana Syndrome”). It is estimated over 100 million people in North America are suffering from similar symptoms, including Sleep, Brain Fog, Heart, Eye, and Balance Issues; Headaches; hypersensitivity to light, sound, smell, touch, taste, and vibration; Tinnitus; pain, Chronic Fatigue, Agitation, Anxiety, and Depression. For over two decades, Dr. Kort has suffered from the symptoms of EMF Hypersensitivity (EHS). This has driven him to dedicate his life to helping those who have suffered, just like him. His pioneering work on the concussion-like symptoms of EHS has uncovered an innate sequence to healing, which starts in the brain.
DoctorEMF™ provides education, products, personalized, comprehensive diagnostics, and telemedicine (restorative sleep and concierge programs).
Geoffrey Skinner, DDS, D-AADSM, D-ASBA
Dr. Skinner created the Portland Protocol, a minimally invasive system for treating sleep apnea and snoring.
Recipient of the Invisalign Doctor of the Year Award.
Dr Skinner is a regularly invited lecturer at the American Academy of Clear Aligners and the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine and serves on its board.
He is a Key Opinion Leader for CandidPro Clear Aligners and Fotona Lasers.
One of the world’s most advanced dental aesthetic lasers, the Fotona laser, allows him to do restorations without anesthetic, reduce snoring, reverse sleep apnea, and even reverse facial aging!
Dr Skinner is the founder of the Portland Protocol, which he co-created with other world-class dentists and medical professionals to include in the AIR Institute (Airway, Invisalign, and Rejuvenation Institute). The AIR Institute is an educational institution that educates and teaches other doctors around the World to help patients reverse sleep apnea and snoring and even look and feel younger.
He has educated and lectured to over ten thousand other dentists and ear, nose, and throat doctors at the top conferences in the US and Canada on the most effective and latest techniques and procedures for implants, clear aligners, and sleep apnea.
His dental training started at the University of Iowa, which is widely regarded as one of the best dental schools in the world.
Joanette Biebesheimer, MS
Ms. Biebesheimer has more than twenty-three years of experience in technical sales, biochemistry, and public speaking. In the past fifteen years, she has developed, trained, and coached a sales force of more than 4,000. She routinely develops training curricula and presents them to large audiences of up to 5,000 people. She is also deeply involved in research on the effects of EMF radiation on human health.
Shirley Gutkowski, RDH, BSDH
Shirley Gutkowski is a practicing orofacial myofunctional therapist and Buteyko breathing educator practicing in Sun Prairie, WI. She was taught by world-renowned (OMT) expert Joy Moeller and breathing retraining based on Buteyko Breathing Retraining techniques taught by world-renowned Buteyko expert Patrick McKeown. She is nationally known as an author and international speaker. As America’s Dental Hygienist, her passion for prevention is practically legendary. She sees referral and telemedicine patients with airway issues and can train medical and dental office staff in myofunctional therapy.
Kandra Sellers RDH
Kandra Sellers is a predominant educator in the field of oral-systemic health and the creator and CEO of Pristine Interprofessional Academy. With the Academy, Kandra can educate and implement processes and professionally coach doctors and team members to the next level of the profession. Pristine Interprofessional Academy, focusing on advanced hygiene techniques and medical billing, is truly the gateway to dental–medical collaboration success. In creating the Academy, Kandra has not only created a hygiene program focused on delivering the value of the Oral Systemic Link, but she has also designed implementation programs for successfully billing the medical procedures that dentists and allied health professionals do every day. Practice owners seeking a coach who can elevate their practice production and revenue through solid protocols for optimal oral-systemic solutions and medical billing endorse Kandra’s ability to move doctors and team members toward excellence on every level.
Joseph Zelk, DNP, FNP, BC, CBSM, DBSM
Dr. Zelk is a board-certified sleep specialist. He is passionate about furthering the implementation of home sleep diagnostics and home CPAP titration and training medical and dental clinicians in mandibular advancement therapy.
•Medical Director – Sleep Balance Academy, AIR Institute and Sleep Medicine Group
•Sleep Medicine Educator for the Dentists 2005-present
•Sleep Medicine Group 2003-2020
•Licensed in Oregon, Washington, Colorado
•OHSU adjunct faculty for 7 years
•Dental Sleep Medicine Lecture for Sleep Fellowship VAMC -Portland
•Sleep Disorders Residency
•Sleep Medicine/Dental Sleep Medicine Fellowship
•Research in oral appliance therapy, hybrid therapies, and co-inventor of oral appliances.
Richard D. Downs, DDS, FAGD, FICOI,
Dr. Downs formed a company for sleep dentistry social media marketing under the umbrella and doing business as Designs4dental, spawning the website and training center for dentists at www.dentalsleepbalance.com and another related site for dentists working with chiropractors called the Dental-Chiropractic Collaborative at www.dentalchirocollaborative.com. These sites are being brought together into a comprehensive professional training CE-qualified education center called Sleep Balance Academy with our educational PACE-approved partner at Wizdom at www.sleepbalanceacademy.com and are forming a new alliance of chiropractors, nurse practitioners, functional sleep medicine, and other allied healthcare professionals and dentists for the diagnosis and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. This collaborative site is being co-administrated with a double board-certified sleep medicine practitioner and educator, Dr. Joseph Zelk, DNP, FNP, BC, CBSM, DBSM.
Dr. Downs’ most recent projects include spearheading the building of a charitable dental implant teaching and treatment clinic in Haiti called the Haiti International Dental Institute and an online sleep apnea testing website and store at www.onlinehomesleepstudy.com.
Dr. Downs also co-founded a successful dental products company called Oracare at www.oracareproducts.com.
Dr. Downs is the founder of the nasal products company www.usa-guard.com. He is also the lead author of the book Beautiful Faces on the website. www.beautifulfacesbook.com.
Dr. Shane Smith, DC
Bachelor of Science at Chico State University
Doctor of Chiropractic from Life Chiropractic College West
Founding Franchisee of The Specific Chiropractic Centers
Field doctor for an upper cervical outreach program in El Salvador
Graduate of That Something upper cervical training series
Dr. Smith has lectured for the Air Institute and teaches specialized upper cervical vertebral care and shockwave therapy for TMJ and autonomic nervous system health, which are essential for sleep apnea patient care. He is a top educator of the chiropractic division of Sleep Balance Academy.